Worship Planning Team
The team meets with Pastor and the Director of Music and Worship once a month to discuss plans and ideas for liturgy, music, visual arts, and creative experiences for future worship services. Together the group assists with upcoming special events that take place during worship.

Individuals, children/youth, families or small groups can serve as lectors who read the Old and/or New Testament reading(s) and lead the psalm each week during worship.
Liturgists assist the pastor and help lead the worship service by reading the various prayers, serving Holy Communion and leading the dismissal.

Children's Message
Everyone benefits from hearing the message of the Gospel or theme of the day presented in a simplified form with visuals, dramatic effects, and other creative ideas in the presentation of the Children’s Message. Children’s Messages may be presented as an individual (youth/adult), as a family, or as a small group using one of the biblical texts for the day.

Altar Guild
This group prepares the sanctuary for services by changing the paraments/banners to correspond to the appropriate church season. In addition this group also sets up for communion. The group operates every day there is a church service, including Lent, Advent, Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving Eve. Members are assigned a couple months a year to perform necessary functions.

This group provides ushers for church services. Team members are assigned usher duties which may include seating participants, counting attendance, managing communion and collecting offerings.