This group consists of women and men who meet to sew, cut squares, and put together beautiful quilts. The quilts go to our newly baptized, high school graduates, the community and out into the world (Lutheran World relief). The quilters meet the 2nd Thursday of the month from 9 AM-2PM at the church

Prayer Shawls
Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted by Hosanna members. They are available in the church office if you would like to give one to someone in need.

Pillowcase Ministry
This is a great ministry to bring some cheerful messages with beautiful pillowcases to the women and children at the Rochester Women’s Shelter. We have given a few to the people at Family Promise also. We have several kits available to be sewn and we welcome everyone to come and join us. Even if you don’t sew there are other tasks to be done such as ironing, cutting material for kits and also putting kits together.

Community Garden
Members who love gardening, meet and grow food for the hungry and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Members and non-members can also grow food for their own use. The community garden team meets at church. The garden plots are tilled in the spring and fall, and the team meets throughout the season to plant, weed, water and harvest.

High School Mission Trips

Family Promise
The mission of Family Promise Rochester is to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. It is the only shelter for families in the greater Rochester area.
Hosanna members can help by signing up and making meals, bringing ingredients for families to make meals, or donate money that can be used for meals. A signup and more information can be found on their website www.fprochestermn.org/feed-a-family or contact the church office for more information.